Area 5 of Eternity above has layers of all the images in universe

compressed inside it by its sphere of matter spinning faster than

light up against it, producing void center for its solid outer Area

7 composed of crystals separated by gasses, design of Universe

Image it projects in beams that form a 6 sided box crystal, with

such a force that the beams of Universe designs are backed up,

into wavelengths seeking the 8 corners of the Box. For a focus

to center of the Void. The Infinite wound up in a ball, deflated

of mass the size of a softball. That upon receiving mass, to all

its images, so the principle Image pops up length of Universe

parallel a reptile expanding slithers over itself kinetic energy:


Click above Box gravity beams to current to 8 corners of crystal Box

center of solid Area 7. Hollow Area 6 back pressure in Area 7, a void.

Area 7 focus to centre point

of hollow Infinite Universe expands

in mass expanding filling Image inside out,

condensing its mass to all the nuclei in 7 pinwheels.


Eternal Beginning, the outer solid static still dark storage of all the crystals and gasses code projected beams to currents to each of the 8 corners of Black Box,

from Universe curled up Infinite upon centre point of the Void Area 7 above focuses current through mass projects its piston suddenly re-connects Area 3 mass

makes electrical system connection pops-up squeezing Universe Infinite parallel! Area 4 packing all the layers of intelligent life images under matter spinning.

Area 7 called God by all the different names under the suns to the end of a solar jet Universe 8 corner projection thru life layers of intelligence stored in Area 4

permanently young patterns in layers for projection. Area 7 memory of Area 2 eternally repeats Universe piston to expand until it discharge on spinning Area 3,

inflating projected manifestations to death, deflates to point centre of Area 1. Universe piston Area 2 projected crystals of infinity in their order stars to each sun

World a crystalline spectacle stored in Area 7 maintains Universe gravity current focus point, everything accordingly springs relatively outward along its length!


Eternity is a Mechanism. Area 7 outside spherical hollow 6. Stored design of element images of crystalline Universe with a vertical and horizontal ripple effect

of gravity current pressure to It's centre forms a six sided Black Box Area 5. Inside Area 4 intelligence in layers all of the images of life under weight of Area 3

Matter spinning. Area 2 Universe Image projected. Matter expands images focused in their time groups together on ball center of void Area 1, suddenly receive

Gravity Charge Image suddenly Universe expands - Big Bang! At the bottom of all of the layers of Area 4 images of life in their order over the Matter spinning,

ends and begins eternally over and over again only a piston in a two stroke Being. The heart beat of time in hollow void space created by Matter Charge weight,

spinning faster than light, seven Area's of Eternity from top down to Universe uncoiling the heart beat of Eternity model of should be able to power a space ship.


All Seven parts of Eternity are synchronized working appropriately together as the healthiest creature alive. Falsely represented, all areas above worshipped

only doing their functions for the good of all which are not slave drivers to be worshipped. Only people are slave drivers for the politics what is representing

political gains. Giving thanks for whatever working right for well being is given throughout Universe under sun was ruined by religious misuse of pyramids.


THE WORLD POPPED UP SUDDENLY beginning its 6 days of fruition 4.5 billion years ago. Jews popped up last in the Garden now flooded, but still others!

I will not ask anyone desperate vanish follow step 2029 panic sun bounce on Earth too late should have seen mass save you when you were young to the future.

Area 2 Universe Buddha sitting center of void expanding until it runs into mass charge of gravity, which deflates World image suddenly to ball line points along.

I guess probably people have died trying to make my God Motor to the stars before they got it right. Probably blew up some galaxies before any made a starship.


Area 7 outer eternity solid with black box center of its Area 6, where static crystals stored repeat how to put the World together, crystalline images Universe folded

over itself together length expanding with mass folds over more than a million times Greek Infinity from point centre, pops up its 7 inches in diameter coiled focus,

where Area 2 discharges on Area 3 expanding Universe crystals gasses stored design in Area 7 source memory order how it all fits together Universe expands again!

As Big Bang still echoing in Black Box mass sphere expanding Universe charge, spinning faster than light connects projected images, pops up like a balloon infinity

in sudden order. Everything hungry and thirsty. Just take a wife! War before long. All the people's that popped up in their Garden's have turned out to hate each other.


Atomic Nuclei with almost all the total mass of atoms holds together all of its particles with great force Allah Glue flowing out of spinning illuminated Area 3 to each

nuclei particle Universe stored solid, outer area of Eternity. Religion assigns names to it, Father of Creation direct to nuclei by gravity currents continually condensing

matter to each one for expanding the Universe, universe expanding faster and faster as it condenses mass to nuclei increasingly flood of mass accumulating/aging God

Fuel deposits! Here a injured motor I have to be dictator to breed. Commonwealth and all West from Columbia to Ukraine. Verses a East building up Belarus to China.


Tsar Nicholas II past did not trust the people to decide their own fate lost his throne and his life over it, British monarchy had to divide up their powers into a Parliament

to stay in power. Either way the people did not get to decide their own fate and decide immigration policy. Politicians only legislating to elect/keep their kinds in power.


Dictatorship Now! Earth with over 8 billion more people since I was born. Putin wants to kill 90% of Americans in 2025 WWIII unless a private power grid prevents it.

Australia observatory red dwarf star bigger than Sun disaster, Putin his security clearance witness Sun bounce on Earth even if The West survives the radio active planet!


All peoples worship part of Eternity's Intelligent Area's in ascending order. Universe drops to coiled up point centre of Eternity dead, gravity current focus Image in the Void Hollow of mass spinning away heavy and deep spinning void invoking scientific force's focus of matter World the Hollow of Eternity Universe-projection. Outer Hollow to Inner Hollow laws of Area 7 projecting crystal and gas pops up eternally universe stacked inside Area 5 Area 4 layers of life in the Box compression, from spinning its matter mass. Eternity breaking re-connecting, beginning to a end over and over again does not sound like Eternity plans to die. Modeling Eternity's 7 component motor space travel generate electricity I keep getting elected by Default US White American citizens racist American forces Majority Command!

Area 7 with its 6 sided Black Box Area 5 crystal' back pressure Area 6 was friendly to me as to turn on deep nightlight, let me see the Black Box at center in its dark hollow, in the dark I woke up to. Grateful I forgive those that harassed me to be Islamic brought to my reflection, barely able see Black Box in bright daylight in their harassing and threatening me to join their religion I went away while refusing. Spinning sphere of matter, mass spinning clears our hollow void center of Eternity Area 1 to project Universe in the center if Eternity. Allah friendly enough to show IT's outer 3 Areas to me. Having seen "God" in scripture Area 3 White letters the 4 letter Word no one is suppose to pronounce. End of a elaborate dream shows Area 4 cares, through Area 3. Worship for profit authority with ulterior purpose's secret societies donate. Universe coming forward to me with Japanese scroll between my hands, believed it was all of that. Until up close, see lightening storm produced by the kinetic energy generated from rubbing coil of Universe expanding. Slowly moving like a snake Infinite over itself counterclockwise made King David of the Jews meditating in a cave seeing Universe close enough to see lightening he jumped up and ran out of the cave! I looked away from it back to my Japanese Budhist scroll by its ends, remote viewing Universe expanding. While all resources going to war in Europe again so many times destroyed Earth gets run into by Sun run into by a red dwarf star. My Military power leadership public force's Tribunal by Default Vote White America's racial radical racism Military Solution. Otherwise mass murder suicide with guns. American Forces I offer enemy property all booty local forces shoot or ship out. Ethnic cleansing refugees run! Enemy slave safe labors if they sign. US Forces cleansing our States!


Protestant Christianity can go on being our nation's cause, for our heritage, eliminating Catholic verses Protestant in America. Religion only one long bloody conflict after another invading other people's countries. Matter verses Image? Nothing made to last of value unless you can pawn it, or recycle it. Police back militia walk in shoot staff, racist homeland motive! Far right patriots take out alien threats.


My faith here a physics law not religion, reach Area 3 matter spinning a Hollow

Area 1 just escaping Area 7 projecting World to Area 2 discharged Area 3 aglow

to matter reconnect. Ascend to Area 3 my image in transparent mass until Return

date to 1967 girlfriend and I get together we part North Carolina Garden of Eden.


I change the world beginning in 1760 is my goal where I have to have all means

under my control I drop in out of the fire with a true friend, to wield democracy!


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